Week One to Four of Term Four
For the next four weeks, you will be working independently through the following tasks, based on texts of your choice (You will have to read new texts as well as draw on texts you have already read).
There are six categories, and from each you have to complete a set number of activities, however it is your choice as to what activities you complete.
All work is to completed to the best of your ability, and signed off by the teacher.
Unless stated otherwise, all work is to be completed in your Reading Books.
Remember a copy of this document has been shared with you on Google Docs and on the Class Blog, so you will always have access to it.
While this is not considered Homework, you are more than welcome to work on tasks at home/in your own time. You may like to use text(s) that you are reading at home.
Comprehension Strategies:
Choose Two Activities from:
· Choose a story from a journal that you have not read before. Read only the first and last pages. Write the middle of the story how you think it may have happened. Write it in the same style as the original author has. (Max 3 pages)
· Complete two reading cards.
· Read and complete the questions about two texts on Eggspress.
After selecting ten spelling words, Choose Two Activities from:
· Write each of your spelling words out as many times as there are letters in the word.
· Create a cross word which includes all 10 of your words.
· Find the definitions of all your words.
· Create a Wordle which includes all of your spelling words. (Can be handwritten or done online)
Reading Responses:
Choose One Activity from:
· Read a short story then explain three reasons why you would or would not recommend it (1-2 pages).
· Complete two Bloom’s Taxonomy cards based on a (or two) stories/articles you have read this week.
· Rewrite the last chapter of a novel you have read.
Static Images:
Choose One Activity from:
· Using what you have found out about from a book/story/article you have read recently, create an A4 poster about it.
· Read a journal article from one of the school journals. Create a cover page for the journal article (as if it were to be published). This can be done in your books or on an iPad/Chrome Book.
· Read a short story and then draw a series of pictures which depict what happened in the story (maximum of 8 images).
Oral Language:
Choose One Activity from:
· Prepare a speech about a topic you are interested in and be prepared to present it to the class. Think about how you will structure your speech and what features you might use, for example rhetorical question or humour. (Minimum 3 minutes)
· · Choose a play from one of the school journals. Work with others in the class to practise and present the play. You may use props/costumes. The rest of the class looks forward to an exciting production!
Writing Skills:
Choose One Activity from:
· Write a recount of a story you have read (1-2 pages).
· Write a poem based on either a story you have read, or one you create (the style of poem is your choice).
· Write a letter to the author of your book, describing the sections of the text you enjoyed/found interesting. End the letter with a question you have for the author about the text (1-2 pages).
Library Based:
Choose One Activity from:
· Find a story in the school library which is of a topic you are interested in and have not read or heard about before. Read the back cover of the book (or where it introduces what the story is about). Having read this blurb, write a 1-2-page summary of what you think will be included in the book. (e.g. key characters, events, and how it is resolved in the end)
· While in the library, find a book you have already read. With the class iPad, take photos of the text (front cover, back cover, important pages, etc.) and also other texts by the same author. When back in class, create a pic collage about the text, which includes key information (name, author, characters, plot, themes, etc.) as well as a list of other texts by the same author (if they have written more than one text).
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