Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Talent Quest Finals

Here are some photos from the Talent Quest finals that were held today! A big high five for all those who participated!
From Room Three we had Tayla, Kyle, and Finn perform!

Thursday, 17 November 2016

St John

Yesterday we had Max from St John come to visit and teach us some valuable first aid skills. We learnt "DRSABCD", including how to do CPR and mouth-to-mouth. We also learnt how to put on a bandage, to stop bleeding.

Here are some photos of the day, along with a video of us doing CPR to "Row, Row, Row Your Boat".

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Ag Day

This term we have been working very hard to get our stalls ready for Ag Day.

On Saturday, we saw the benefits of our hard work, with our successful stalls, which raised a good amount of money to benefit our future endeavours!

Here are some photos of our Stalls and of our artwork, which was judged by the Rural Women.